Saturday, January 5, 2008

uganda highlights

a boy hearding cattle through a swamp

us in Jinja, in front of the Nile

a view from our Nile River Explorers porch

paradise / sesse island

Chimera in a rice field

Little Richard / the two year old with a weave that lived next door

I loved this little creepy house in the middle of nowhere

the side of someone's house

The dreaded Matatus

me fastening a student's mask

The Freestyle Kayaking competition

The Bad Place, the class 5 rapid that had my life flashing before my eyes

Mentally preparing to Bunjee

Chimera and some of the 15 relatives that live in this one room house, all cared for by their aged grandmother

a video of me Bunjee jumping... takes me a little while to gather my wits, I kept making the poor guy repeat the instructions. The scariest minutes of my life.

1 comment:

Louise said...

Hey Julia-
Great pictures. Shows your diversity.The "creepy little house in the middle of nowhere" is a real winner.One could ponder dozens of questions about it but never know the answers...why is it there...did a family actually live in old...etc..etc.
All of your pics are good
Take care, God bless. G&L